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Learning through the Research Investigation Process (RIP®)

The Research Investigation Process (RIP) combines components of critical thinking, the scientific method, research on learning and motivation, student characteristics, and the knowledge and scientific expertise of a research scientist who has 30 years of teaching experience spanning the K-Graduate student levels.

The RIP has been used in the classroom to teach science, mathematics, and language arts to elementary students as early as kindergarten, science to middle school students, and science to high school students from grades 9-12.

Evaluations of the effects of RIP-based professional development on teachers' efforts to implement scientific inquiry in the classroom indicate increased teacher ability and confidence to engage students in learning through inquiry. The impact of the RIP as a scientific inquiry model on student learning is demonstrated by their products and performances. Students not only learn through the same processes used by scientists to learn about the natural world, but also ADD TO KNOWLEDGE in both science and science education.

The RIP® is a critical thinking process and a tool for learning. It can be used by any teacher in any classroom for successful learning through scientific inquiry. RIP® science "programs" are education prgrams that are centered around the type of thinking and practices that are part of the RIP® process and its learning-effective characteristics. Schools that develop RIP® programs have a number of characteristics that differ from those of the more traditional educational environment.

The RIP® program is both innovative and a refreshing approach with new ways of instruction for teachers. RIP-based inquiry is student-centered, promoting both student interest in learning standards-based science content and excitement as students discover new knowledge. Just as scientists collaborate with a "lead" or principal investigator ("PI") when they engage in inquiry, the RIP encourages teachers to assume the role as guide throughout the process and to learn side-by-side with their students.







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